Everyone working in the state faces the risk of injury at work, but some workplaces and job duties are inherently more dangerous than others. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is the federal agency responsible for upholding workplace safety regulations and investigating violations thereof. OSHA regularly releases reports concerning which industries have the highest accident rates.

If you are injured at work, it is vital to understand how the workers’ compensation system can enable you to recover benefits after your injury. It’s vital to know the risks you face in your industry, the most common causes of workplace accidents in your work environment, and what to do after you sustain any type of injury at work.

Most Dangerous Industries

According to the latest workplace accident data from OSHA and various other federal and state-level agencies, the most dangerous industries based on accident rate and fatal accident rate include:

  • Each year, this industry reports more workplace accidents and more work-related injuries and deaths than all other industries. It’s possible for a construction worker to suffer injuries from falls, electrocutions, injuries from heavy equipment, falling objects, vehicle accidents, and more.
  • Commercial logging. While a relatively small industry, commercial logging is inherently dangerous in many ways. Potential accidents can include severe traumatic injuries from chainsaws and other sawing devices, crushing injuries from falling trees and tree limbs, and vehicle-related accidents.
  • Commercial fishing. Offshore fishing is inherently dangerous in several ways. Not only are fishermen subjected to the elements and likely to experience injury or illness from heat exposure, extreme cold, or storms, but they may also suffer injuries from entanglement aboard their fishing boats, crushing injuries, repetitive stress injuries, and more.
  • Anyone working in commercial transportation faces the risk of work-related injuries from vehicle accidents. This industry also reports many workplace injuries that occur within warehouses and distribution centers.
  • Education and health services. This industry reports some of the highest rates of nonfatal work-related injuries and illnesses. Teachers, school administrators, and healthcare workers at all levels face the risk of injury and illness in various capacities, from assaults by students, parents, or patients to contracting diseases from those in their care.

If you suffer any type of injury at work, you first need to determine your eligibility status when it comes to filing a workers’ compensation claim. Most employees in most industries are covered under state law, but you must verify that your employer has classified your employment correctly. Next, you will need to ensure your injury or illness qualifies as work-related for you to receive workers’ compensation benefits.

A successful workers’ compensation claim can yield full coverage of all medical expenses related to the injury as well as income replacement benefits when you are unable to work or your injury has diminished your earning power. An experienced workers’ compensation attorney can help navigate the workers’ compensation claim filing process and determine whether you have additional avenues of legal recourse to improve your recovery.

In most cases, an injured worker cannot sue their employer in response to a work-related accident, but there are exceptions to this rule. It is also possible for a third party to bear fault for your injury, which would enable you to file a workers’ compensation claim as well as a personal injury claim against this third party. Pratt Law Corporation is ready to review the details of your situation and help determine the optimal path to recovery.


Q: What Are the Most Common Workplace Accidents?

A: According to data from OSHA and other sources, falls account for most of the workplace injury reports and missed days of work throughout the United States each year. Any fall has the potential to cause devastating harm, including broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, and more. The height and location of the fall typically determine the severity of resulting injuries to the victim.

Q: What Is the Most Common Cause of Workplace Deaths?

A: The most commonly reported cause of work-related deaths in the United States is vehicle accidents. Many people are required to drive for work, including commercial vehicles as well as standard passenger vehicles. If you were hurt in a work-related accident, you could file a workers’ compensation claim as well as additional recovery through a separate civil action against the at-fault driver.

Q: Are All Employers Required to Have Workers’ Compensation Insurance?

A: California law requires most employers in the state to have workers’ compensation insurance, but some employers are exempt from this requirement. Whether the company is required to have workers’ compensation insurance generally depends on the size of an employer and the total number of employees. Certain types of employment are also exempt, such as non-regular employees, domestic care workers, and independent contractors.

Q: Do I Need to Hire an Attorney for a Workers’ Compensation Claim?

A: There is no law that strictly requires you to have legal counsel for a workers’ compensation claim, but you are more likely to succeed with your claim if you hire an attorney to assist you with it. Your attorney can not only streamline the workers’ compensation claim filing process and ensure you receive a fair determination of benefits but also help explore more paths to recovery, such as a potential third-party personal injury claim.

Q: What Will It Cost to Hire an Attorney for a Workers’ Compensation Case?

A: The team at Pratt Law Corporation can provide legal representation for your workers’ compensation claim without adding to your financial concerns after your work injury. We take these cases on contingency, meaning our client does not pay upfront or ongoing attorneys’ fees for our representation. Instead, we will only take a percentage of the total compensation we recover for you, and only after we win your case.

Pratt Law Corporation has years of experience in workers’ compensation law that we can put to work for you in your recovery efforts. If you are ready to learn what an experienced team of attorneys can do for your recovery, contact us today to schedule a free consultation with our team.